Five Ways to Repurpose Sentimental Clutter
We all have that one drawer or closet filled with sentimental clutter (at least one, but — let’s be honest — it’s probably more).
You know, the old ticket stubs, birthday cards, and random trinkets that we just can't seem to part with. It's like a time capsule of our lives that we hold onto, thinking that we’ll want to look back on these things to relive the memories.
But how often do we actually go back and revisit these items? Probably not as often as we think. So, while it's important to cherish our memories, maybe it's time to let go of the clutter and make some new ones. Plus, think of all the extra space you'll have for new treasures!
If you just can’t part with some sentimental things, but they are taking up too much room in your house, here are five creative ways to reuse them:
1. Have a special recipe printed in the original handwriting on a kitchen towel. There are artists on Etsy who will do this for you.
2. Frame a love note, a childhood drawing, or a memory that makes you smile and hang it somewhere you’ll see it every day – like inside your closet or bathroom.
3. Have a quilt or pillow made out of an old shirt or collection of special t-shirts, say from camp or races you’ve participated in over the years. You can also have a piece of clothing from a loved one turned into a teddy bear or pillow.
4. Turn a grandmother’s costume jewelry into a keychain or bookmark (hot glue old earrings or brooches onto the top of a piece of wood to create a bookmark)
5. Use crystal bowls or vintage trays to organize jewelry, keys, or small things around the house. Lots of these get inherited from older generations, but they often are hidden away in china cabinets waiting for a “special occasion.”
I totally understand that it’s hard to let go of the items because they are the trigger for the memories. But if you’re going to hold on to special things, it’s important to honor those memories instead of hiding them away in a closet.
Repurposing sentimental items can be a meaningful way to breathe new life into items that hold those special memories. Not only does it give these items a new purpose, it also allows us to keep our loved ones and memories close to us in a unique way. So get those things out of boxes and the back of the closet, and put them somewhere they will bring you joy every day!